A Message from our Minister

Rev Ann Knox

Dear Friends,


The phrase 'never cast a cloot until May is out' has never been so relevant as the cold and wet April certainly meant still keeping all layers of warm clothing on! That phrase has been subject to debate as to what 'May' is being referred to (for those not familiar with 'cloot' it is a Scot's word for cloth' as in clootie dumpling boiled which is steamed in a cloth/cloot'). Does the phrase refer to the month of May or when the May Tree (or hawthorn) flowers? Yet most of us realise the meaning of the phrase is a bit of wise advice not to get the summer clothes out and put the winter heavy coats away the very first day we see a little warmth in spring.

Even a simple phrase can spark discussion - and we have been talking about debate and discussion from the very beginning of the early church recently in our worship - yet we all know the meaning of Jesus' teaching is underpinned with the love, care and compassion that God has for people. 

At a recent quiz the fact that the next round was on the 'Bible' drew gasps of dismay - someone said 'remember it is not every dot on an i, or every t you need to know but the meaning is what is important'. So, if you did not know that in Genesis Adam and Eve's third son was called Seth, don't worry, when you know the meaning of 'God so loved the world he gave his only Son' then that is what is most important.   


Yours Ann