A Message from our Minister

Rev Ann Knox

Dear Friends,

 'I've been waiting such a long time, Looking out for you, But you're not here, What's another year?' Johnny logan once sang these opening lines in the Eurovision song contest in 1980, well 44 years have passed since then. And, as we remembered 80 years since the D-Day Landings in June, for those who were there it is a long way off but still as clear as if it occurred yesterday as it is such a dreadfully significant time in their lives.

Time is such a strange concept. In church a lot of the groups are finishing their 'year'; the school has just held the P7 Valedictory Service (the first-year group I saw at their very first P1 assembly) as their school year ends; the financial year starts on April 1st; we each start our 'next year' on our birthday, and yet each year starts on the 1st January. 

Time can pass slowly and time can whizz past, we can all get confused how long ago something happened as we lose track of time as events seem to converge with each other and it is only the very memorable events we can pin down with more accuracy - the year of birth or marriage of a child for example.


Christians for years have been waiting for a long time for Jesus to return, but unlike the song we do not have to look out for God, for the Spirit is with us. We are not to sit about and wait and look but we have to get onboard with the work that Jesus asked of us - to be his workers in the field, Matthew 9:35 38 "Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

The Elders are looking at how the Kirk Session focuses more clearly on being the workers, but we ALL need to work together in order to have a fruitful harvest for God. 

'What’s another year?' - it’s another year for doing Christ's work.




 Annual Leave

Ann will be taking annual leave from July 22nd to August 4th inclusive and 26th Augst to 1st September inclusive. For both the Rev Yvone Smith will be providing emergency Pastoral care for both. Yvonne can be contacted at YSmith@inchinnanchurch.org.uk or 01505 862161