Kirk Session Minutes

The Kirk Session of Inchinnan Parish Church                  187

         Tuesday 28th May 2024


At Inchinnan on the 28th May 2024 the Kirk session met as appointed and was constituted with Bible readings and prayer.


Rev Ann Knox with 12 Elders present met as appointed.

Apologies: were received from 4 Elders as recorded.

Approved  appointment of ordinary meetings 2024 in the Session House at 7.30pm.

Thurs 27/6/24 B

Order of business and AOCB was approved.

 This is not a business meeting therefore Business arising is suspended until Business meeting of 27th June 2024.

Obligatory report :-


Lisa Mullin Safeguarding Officer presented the report and the following deliverance was received.

1                       Kirk Session Receives the report

2         Notes

a)       PVG Applications

2 PVG applications in process – one application to work with children and one application to         join the Pastoral Group.

b)      Volunteers Joining or Leaving Groups Involving Children and Protected Adults

Can you please inform us when volunteers join or are no longer involved with your group so that the appropriate procedures can be followed?

c)       Extract - Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service Newsletter

It’s easy to see how social media exposure could be dangerous for some people. We have some guidance to support congregations with this. Please ensure your Kirk Session is aware of the Social media information and guidelines and Photography and video guidelines sections in Chapter 5 of the Safeguarding Handbook.

Moderator led Session into our topic ‘Moving Forward’


Using  Exploring Eldership Pages 52- 59

Session had a useful discussion on Section Peace & Unity of the Church .

Pastoring the Parish discussion will be explored at our next spiritual meeting in September2024


The meeting closed with The Grace.


Session Clerk…………………………………….. Moderator…………………………………………. 

The Kirk Session of Inchinnan Parish Church 184

Thursday 25th April 2024 at 7.30pm


At Inchinnan on the Thursday 25th April 2024 the Kirk session met as appointed and was constituted with Bible readings and prayer.


Rev. Ann Knox with 11 Elders present met as appointed

Apologies were received from 4Elders as recorded

Minutes of the 29th February being in print and the hands of Elders were approved.

Approved The ordinary meeting of the 27th May 2024 be postponed until Tuesday 28th May 2024 and the ordinary meeting of the 27th June 2024.

Order of Business and AOCB- was approved.

Business arising

Forward Planning

6a Kirk Session – received the report and noted

1)All committees include members of the Congregation

2)Additional members are required for Communication- Finance- Property

3) Property Convenor- or how to address lack of one is an on -going discussion

4)Grants coordinator required to be nominated

5)The next stage to meet with committees to discuss appropriate remits in line with the draft plan will be completed before the Kirk Session meeting of the 27th June2024

6b Approved Network installation in the vestry to enable printer to be fully functional.

6c Safety Film on plain glass and a protective shield on stained glass in Session House to be fitted.

6d Cork board will be installed before27th May2024

7 Moderator Report

The Moderator presented the report.

Kirk Session received the report and noted:-

a) the manse garden gate and wall require repairs- Property Committee.

b) Presbytery Roadshow was well received , introduced by R Hamilton Presbytery clerk who introduced Tim Mineard our Planning/Implementation Convener, Andy Reid our Mission Officer and the new Building Officer, who does not take up her appointment until Monday 29th April 2024. Each give a short presentation and some question answered.

8 Session Clerk Correspondence


a) Jim Breingans’ nomination as Presbytery Elder.

b) Annual Stated meeting 12th May 2024 after morning Worship. 185


a) Thy Kingdom come prayer initiative

b) Presbytery Mission fund & Stewardship -Funding Growth in the Church.

Both referred to appropriate committee when remits are completed.

c) The possibility of a shared Youth Worker will be investigated by Ann Knox

d) Una Will retired from the presidency of the Guild

e) Commend Jamie McNee on his initiative ‘ Digital wings’

9 Safeguarding

Karen Christie presented the report and the following deliverance was approved

1 Kirk Session received the report


1 volunteer attended training on the 23rd April 2024

2 any one no longer involved to inform Safeguarding Coordinators to destroy documentation in line with GDPR and appropriate Safeguarding forms completed.

10 Finance

Elizabeth Cockburn presented the report and the following deliverance was approved.

1 Kirk Session received the report

2 Approved

a) Congregational accounts

b) Switch to Broadband only at £45.95 per month (no payphone)

c) Homologate approval the Draft accounts by email


Nothing to report on Insurance.

11 Kirk Session Committees

11a Worship

Rev Ann Knox presented the report and the following deliverance was approved

1 Kirk Session received the report

2 Received the survey report- further consideration is required as part of the 5yr plan

11b Roll keeper

Kirk Session received the report of 197 members


Clearing the roll will now commence.

11c Property

Property Team presented the report and the following deliverance was approved.

Approved 186

1 Request £5000.00 from the Building Fund to assist in the drainage /sewage project.

2 Contact XOLI to investigate re sewage connection.

3 Dispose of both carpets in the Sanctuary.


1 Pump House has had a few problems requiring immediate attention from Paisley Engineering.

2 Support staff from 121 have apologised for the length of time in acquiring information from British Water. Hopefully an answer will be provided within the next day or two.

3 Fly situation will continue to be monitored.

11d Pastoral

Angela Blackwood presented the report

1 Kirk Session received the report


1 Tue’ing the Fat and the Gathering will alternate weekly over the summer

2 Christian Aid coffee morning at Renfrew North on the 17th May2024

3 Christian Aid lunch after worship on the 19th May 202


1 Communion on the 2nd June 2024 – Serving Elders will meet with the Moderator at 10.30am in the Hall

2 A request (by email to elders) for volunteer for the Plant Stall at Gala Day

The meeting closed with the Grace

Session Clerk ………………………………….. Moderator…………………………………….