Kirk Session Minutes

The Kirk Session of Inchinnan Parish Church                 192

         Thursday 19th September  2024 at 7.30pm


At Inchinnan on the Thursday 19th September 2024 the Kirk Session met as appointed and was constituted with Bible readings, prayer and the celebration of Communion


Rev. Ann Knox with 16 Elders present met as appointed

Apologies were received from 2 Elders as recorded

Ordinary Meeting Dates for 2024 : - 18th November-   .

Ordinary Meeting Dates for 2025:-  27th January  -17th March -12th May  and the 16th June if necessary.

Order of Business and AOCB was approved.

Business arising:-

Local Church Review

 Agreed the LCR pack 1& 2 which will be issued to LCR panel with the 5yrs plan

The Action Plan

Agreed the Congregation Survey to The Kirk Session & Committees

The congregational survey has been collated, summarised and allocated to a Kirk Session Committee.

The main categories are:-

Kirk Session/Stewardship                Mission                    Worship                 Fellowship

Premises- Paid employees  Youth -Families                Services-bible study        Social

Each Committee will discuss and prioritise their items of business and report back to Kirk Session for approval.

Care and Facilities- Pastoral-Communications- Property- Hall lets- -IT

This will be the Action plan submitted to Presbytery. Visits are - Kirk Session October – Congregation November- results issued at the end of January 2025.

Moderators report

Moderator Ann Knox presented the report and the following deliverance was approved:-

1 Kirk Session received the report


2 Sunday 1st December will include Sacrament of Communion


1 Home Communion is available on request.

2 Ministers annual leave Monday 18th November to Sunday 24th  November 2024

3 Christmas tree service will combine with community Christmas lights switch on.

4 Volunteers to decorate Tree, church  and hall and to dismantle all after 6th January2025    193

5 £1000.00 is available and will be useful in SunFun and Bubble Gum ‘n’ Fluff activities.

6 Agreed to a Prayer Group that will meet 10:15am to 10:30am in the Vestry on  a Sunday morning, starting later in October 2024.

Session Clerk report & correspondence                                                                           


1 The proposal to invite Barbara Jackson and Tom McConnell to be readmitted to this Kirk Session.

2 To continue with application to Scottish Water for connection to the main sewage system, using Scottish Water Business Stream.

3 M Barker to operate PC at KS meeting

4 All data inspected by L. Seath prior to insertion into the Scottish Stained Glass Trust by Ms J Blair.

5  A tour visit by Paisley Heritage group . MWS -E McA- E. host.

6 Minute any proposal that falls.

7 Elders to visit district 3 times per annum


1 Elders districts will be issued for approval on the 6th October 2024 at 10 am

2 Organ console removal refused by GT.

3  General Assembly remit booklet available on request.

4 1st November at Paisley an open day by National Churches Trust.                   


The report by email and the following deliverance was approved.


1 One Volunteer requires to attend Introductory Safeguarding Training. The individual concerned will be contacted when the next round of training is available.

2 One PVG application is in progress.

3 If there are any volunteers who are no longer involved with Pastoral or children’s groups, or Elders who are no longer part of the Kirk Session, can you please let us know so that any documents held can be destroyed and the Safeguarding Service notified in line with GDPR and Disclosure Scotland requirements?


Elizabeth Cockburn, Treasurer presented the report

1 Kirk Session received the report


a. Shortfall of £500.00 in 8 months

 b. Unitary Constitution issued to all Trustees.

 c. Insurance nothing to report.

D Charity collections £929.00 MND & £ 523.00 Breast Cancer Now.                                         194

Presbytery Report

1 Jim Breingan presented the report.

 Kirk Session received the report                                                                                       


1 Pulpit supply Scheme composed by Dr A Shaw

2 Assisted dying Conversation on the 26th November in Cornerstone -all should be encouraged to attend.

3  Financial Limits requiring Presbytery approval in any one Calendar year including VAT are:-

 Sanctuaries: -£20,000 Halls: -£10,000 Manses: -£5,000


GA remits booklet and Mission plan grid are available on request.


Kirk Session Committees



Moderator Ann Knox presented the report and the following deliverance was approved

1 Kirk Session received the report.

2        Approved.

1The dates for the following specific services:-

a.       Harvest :13th October—Going forward Harvest will be held in September

b.      Christmas Tree: 6th December

c.       Christmas Gift Sunday: (Women’s Aid) 8th December

d.      Quiet Christmas: 8th December at 3pm

e.       Taize: Thursday 12th December at 7pm

f.        Nativity: 22nd December at 10:45am

g.      Christmas Eve: 6pm  Family Service--- Midnight Service 11:30 pm  (mince pies 11pm)

h.       Christmas Day =in Inchinnan Care home or in the session House.-to be clarified.



1        Bible Study ‘The God Question’ to run 7th,21st  October and 4th November at 7.30pm in session House.

2    Worship Group  will lead worship on the 24th November during Ann’s leave.

3     Enquiring cost of live streaming

4 Sanctuary layout and possible reconfiguration, to be a part of a larger project that will require, discussion collaboration and an architect.

5  Date of next meeting Wed 9th October 2024 at 7.30pm.

Roll keeper

133 Members

GDPR on Roll and Supplementary to be updated.

Fire Report

E McAdam presented the report and the following deliverance approved.                       195

 1 Kirk Session received the report.


A new fire extinguisher is required for outside the kitchen area – The cost is £85.00 and consists of stand -extinguisher and photoluminescent sign


Fire Action Report                                                                         

On discovering fire

1.  Raise the alarm by immediately giving the shouted warning of fire or use the fire klaxons.

2.  Leave the building using the nearest and safest fire exit.

3.  Report to the Fire Assembly Point in the church car park.

4.  Ensure the emergency services have been summoned by dialling 999.

5.  Undertake a roll call at the assembly point to account for any missing persons.

On hearing the shouted warning of fire or audible alarm signal

1.  Immediately leave the building using the nearest and safest emergency exit.

2.  Report to the fire assembly point.

3.  Ensure the emergency services have been summoned.

4.  Undertake a roll call for missing persons as necessary.

All Elders please note the following important instructions in the event of a fire:


Treat all alerts as genuine and react swiftly to leave the building, assisting any persons in your care to proceed to the fire assembly point in the church car park.


Close doors to the rooms or area of the fire if safe to do so (this can restrict the spread of flames and smoke).


Where summoned, the Fire and Rescue Services will be met at the main entrance of the building and given information that the building is clear of occupants and the possible cause and location of the fire.

Do not re-enter the building until it is confirmed safe to do so by key personnel or the Fire and Rescue Services.


M W Semple presented the report and the following deliverance as approved.

1 Kirk Session received the report

2 Approved

 In principle a new hard wood rear double door with strengthened clear glass.


a. S Russell is now working with Len on managing the heating system

 b. Thanks are due to the Scouts for renewing the Badminton Court lines.

 c. Bins require cleaning                

Communication report

Linda Reid presented the report

1 Kirk Session received the report

Noted                                                                                                                                              196

A successful and positive meeting was held with S Wilson Presbytery Communication officer.

Advice was given on Facebook and website.

Noticeboard to be investigated.


Hall Lets                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Marie Craig presented the report

1 Kirk session received the report


The Scouts will revert to using all halls on a Wednesday night

 Film night on the 17th January will use all halls and SH.


A meeting will be called to discuss the situation with Ch of Scotland insurance services and our ability to host single use and 3rd party hire of our premises and report back to Kirk Session.

Attendees -E Cockburn, Ann Knox, Elizabeth McNeil, Elizbeth McAdam and MW Semple


The meeting closed with the Grace


Session Clerk………………………………………… Moderator………………………………………