World Labyrinth Day: Saturday, May 4

Local community celebrations, individual walks, and online events

Join thousands of people around the world in this moving meditation for world peace and celebration of the labyrinth experience!

Annual Stated Meeting - Sunday 12th May after morning Worship

Christian Aid Lunch - Sunday 19th May after morning Worship

SILENT AUCTION Tuesday 21st May, 7.30pm-9.30pm.

The Mission & Fellowship group are holding a Silent Auction Supper.  If you have any goods or can offer a service suitable for an auction, please inform any member of the Mission and Fellowship group. £4 including a light supper.

Kirk Session Meeting - Tuesday 28th May @ 7.30pm

Inchinnan Gala Day - Saturday June 1st 11am to 3pm.

Inchinnan Gala Day will be hosted by Inchinnan Parish Church. If you know anyone one who has a craft or idea they wish to show/sell at the fete please contact Stephen Russell