From Monday 15th July (pm) the new landline number for Ann will be 0141 321 9919, her mobile number is unchanged and will still be the best number to get her on.

The '3C's Cafe' is on Wednesday 17th July 2-4pm, all proceeds to MND Scotland, and  'The Gathering' is on Fri 19th July 2:30 - 4:30pm in the Session House - both offer a cuppa, chat and a friendly welcome.

During the summer both Tue’ing the Fat, The Gathering will be held alternate weeks, and the weekly 3C’s Wednesday afternoon cafe starts on 3rd July with all proceeds from that going to MND charity, 2-4pm

Trussell Trust - please continue to support the Foodbank over the summer months. 

At the moment the item they are particularly short of are meat products.

Spaces are still available for this year's Flower Fund. Please place your contributions in one of the envelopes that can be found in the vestibule, and add your name to the flower list. Thank you.

Life and Work has published a FREE four page General Assembly Special Supplement for 2024 summarising some of the key decisions, debates and speeches from the week that can be viewed here -

full link


In addition to the supplement, General Assembly reports will feature in the July issue of Life and Work magazine. Anyone that is not a subscriber and interested in this particular issue can purchase a single print or digital copy here. The July issue is published on June 14 2024.


We encourage you to share this information for anyone interested in an easy and accessible summary of General Assembly business.

Fete 2024 photos.pdf