5 Year Plan.docx

Committee Structure within our Church.

Our church will be better served if we have a cross section of our Parish, elders- non elders on our Committees. It is a privilege to serve so please give consideration to participating.


If you care to discuss or require any further information you can email the Session Clerk or phone

Session Clerk - Mairi 07960043669 who will be delighted to help.


Any member of the Parish who wishes to serve on any of the committees please email with their choice of committee.

Fire Safety Officer - Elizabeth McAdam

Health & Safety Officer - Frazer Birch  Email:

Data Protection Co-ordinator - Jim Breingan

With the exception of the Safeguarding Committee the membership of all Groups is open to any member of the congregation. You do not need to be an elder to be on a Group. 


Inchinnan Parish Church accepts no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising as a result of use or reliance on the information contained in these web pages 

The information provided is, to the best of our knowledge true and accurate at the time of publication, and is solely for information purposes. Please contact us if you have found any problems with this website.